Sunday 1 June 2014

loves Benefit and hates spiders

I'm scared of spiders, like really scared.
I know it's cliché.
I know it's irrational.
I know they are more scared of me than I am of them (although I have my doubts).
It is what it is...

So I was pretty distraught this week when I noticed a spider in my hair while getting ready for work. It was a big, brown beast and I panicked.
It was fight or flight moment.
I went with my instincts.
I ran.

It was all pretty dramatic, as you can imagine. When I had calmed down (it took a while) I realised, in my terrified state, I had thrown my absolute favourite make-up product and most of it now decorated my bathroom wall.

I had thrown my Benefit brow zings and this was the result...


It wasn't the best way to start my day and although the spider element was traumatic, the loss of my eyebrow saviour was a deeper blow. I have quite patchy eyebrows and I've used lots of different pencils and gels but nothing has worked quite so well as brow zings. At first, I baulked at the £24.50 price tag but my kit was still going strong after a year of daily use...until it's tragic demise. 

Anyway, below is a before and after image of my unruly brows for those of you that are looking for an brow fix.   

I won't be so careless with my next kit.

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